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Main Forum - MB5/70cc/24mm Mikuni - what jets to use?

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  Main Forum - Topic #849 - MB5/70cc/24mm Mikuni - what jets to...
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Matthew 20-6-2001?23:04 Print topicpost
Posts: 3
Does anyone know a good main jet size to start with for the Honda MB5 70cc Polini cylinder, Homoet 70 exhaust and 24mm carburetor? I think the main jet that came with the carburetor is a 145, but I'm worried because I don't know if it's right. Oh, and someone teach me to speak Dutch!

Thanks for any help

Saknet 20-6-2001?23:14 Print reply

Posts: 10355
I personally bought 3 times a new 20mm Mikuni. Each one ran fine with the standard main jet of the 20mm, so i think that your moped wil probably run fine with the standard 24mm Mikuni main jet....
het gros op bf lijkt te zijn ontsnapt uit een psychiatrische kliniek, maar leen is dat werkelijk.
Matthew 21-6-2001?03:18 Print reply
Posts: 3
Thanks a lot - I will try it with the regular jet and see, but will be careful too.
MBX OWNER 21-6-2001?04:01 Print reply
Posts: 179
What kinda airfilter do u use?

The use of a standard air filter requires a lot smaller main yet then a power filter or a modified filter

Matthew 21-6-2001?05:31 Print reply
Posts: 3
I have a Twin Air filter, but it is inside the stock airbox. I never thought about how that would affect the jets... :n
Neonlampje 21-6-2001?05:39 Print reply

Posts: 14825
what's a jet??
teach u dutch.. OK:
weed = wiet
drugs = drugs
money = geld
sex = seks

that's all u need 2 know when u wanna come 2 Holland

smoke weed every day
Joost 21-6-2001?06:46 Print reply
Posts: 1108

For a un-tuned 70cc a 147 or 150 would be fine, a tuned cilinder would use a 160-170 jet.
It is going to be a Endless summer...
B3AST 21-6-2001?08:55 Print reply
Posts: 2469
What type uf jet do u use then? A mikuni 140 jet is not the same size than a Honda (Keihin) 140 Jet...
They look diffrent too, A Mikuni jet has a six sided head, and a keihin jet you can lose or thight with a normal screwdriver....
I think most people use Keihin jets in Mikuni carborators, I do...
- insane in the brain -
B3AST 21-6-2001?09:00 Print reply
Posts: 2469
You can find out if your jet is to small or to big...

You should check your sparkplug for that, if the electrode black, your jet is to big...
But its more dangerous to drive with a to small jet... The engine can get very hot bij just a to small jet..., you can see if it was to hot...

If your jet is the good size, the sparkplug will look brown...

(after driving ofcourse!!!)
- insane in the brain -
speedymark 21-6-2001?14:19 Print reply
Posts: 605
it will look like coffee with milk in it, and if you would immediatly take it out after riding it will taste like chocolate cookies if you lick it!
Martijn 21-4-02?02:32 Print reply
Posts: 10000
yeah baby, and then you must insert your weener into the sparkplug hole, to check the compression.

if your dick doesn't erect anymore your compression is okay.

ONDERBROEKENLOL (kevin masters )

nou, doe je best met je gare plof he, vervelende allochtoon.
aanschouw... *** ***

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