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Contest Forum - Photoshot 7.21

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pangolopalanga - Forum en Nieuws Moderator 10-8-2010 10:50 Print topicpost

Posts: 8650
Deze post is op verzoek...dus Maup, jij mag niet meeraden...

De cc's...daar zeg ik niets over omdat ik er niets over weet

Voor een puntje :
- Hoe heet dit ding ?
- Wat is er technisch uniek aan ?

Heb je ontsteking ? Ja oorontsteking.

Scarface 10-8-2010 11:04 Print reply

Posts: 6023
Gillenwaters steam motorcycle

Stoom motorfiets


Via: musee mecanique sf

Built in 1912 by Mr. Niles Gillenwaters in Sacramento, California. He built only one, and it never went into production. Lovingly restored by Mr.David Sarlyn of Berkeley, California, it is part of the Daniel Zelinsky Collection at the Musee Mecanique in San Francisco.

Here's how the Musee got hold of the Gillenwaters steam motorcycle:

I seldom sell, but I love to trade. I did a lot of trading with George Whitney, Sr.; we traded music boxes and pianos back and forth. I made one trade with George Whitney that I will never forget. I had lunch with him every third Thursday and Mr. Whitney sat at the same table that he sat at for 20 years. I remember he had a scotch over ice, shrimp cocktail and a minute steak. I tried to copy him, but I couldn't keep up with him on the drinks. Well, one time I had quite a few drinks, and I was feeling no pain and George said, "Ed, you have a 1904 Franklin, do you want to trade it?" And I said, "George, what will you give me for it?" Well, I don't really remember the conversation, but I do remember shaking hands with him and Mr. Whitney telling me, "Ed, you are the proud owner of a steam motorcycle."

Later, we had dinner again and he asked me who got the best deal in the trade. I said, "I don't know, George, you tell me." He said, "Ed, I got the best deal. I got a Franklin that's running and you got a motorcycle that isn't, and needs repair." I told him, "That's funny, George. I thought I got the best of the deal because I got the only steam motorcycle, perhaps, in the whole world." He called me up a few weeks later and asked if I wanted to trade back again. That's when I knew I had a good deal because recently, I received an unsolicited offer of $250,000 for the motorcycle"

Striving for perfection, Gillenwaters constantly tinkerd with the machine and made many changes and adjustments over the years. One such alteration was conversion of the burner from a vaporizing to an atomizing type. In the atomizing system, two flat fan-shaped flames were directed towards each other so that they met in the middle of the burner. aAn engine-driven generator powered the burnerblower, sparkplug igniter, and lights. Control was by a pressure-regulated bypass. This equipement was later removed and the cycle converted back to a vaporizing system.

Verder staat er ook dat deze fiets een topsnelheid van 110 mp/h kon halen.

Zo informatie genoeg?

Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Scarface op 10-8-2010 om 13:44 uur.
pangolopalanga - Forum en Nieuws Moderator 10-8-2010 11:45 Print reply

Posts: 8650
Oorspronkelijk gepost door: Scarface
Gillenwaters steam motorcycle

Stoom motorfiets


Via: musee mecanique sf

Built in 1912 by Mr. Niles Gillenwaters in Sacramento, California. He built only one, and it never went into production. Lovingly restored by Mr.David Sarlyn of Berkeley, California, it is part of the Daniel Zelinsky Collection at the Musee Mecanique in San Francisco.

Here's how the Musee got hold of the Gillenwaters steam motorcycle:

I seldom sell, but I love to trade. I did a lot of trading with George Whitney, Sr.; we traded music boxes and pianos back and forth. I made one trade with George Whitney that I will never forget. I had lunch with him every third Thursday and Mr. Whitney sat at the same table that he sat at for 20 years. I remember he had a scotch over ice, shrimp cocktail and a minute steak. I tried to copy him, but I couldn't keep up with him on the drinks. Well, one time I had quite a few drinks, and I was feeling no pain and George said, "Ed, you have a 1904 Franklin, do you want to trade it?" And I said, "George, what will you give me for it?" Well, I don't really remember the conversation, but I do remember shaking hands with him and Mr. Whitney telling me, "Ed, you are the proud owner of a steam motorcycle."

Later, we had dinner again and he asked me who got the best deal in the trade. I said, "I don't know, George, you tell me." He said, "Ed, I got the best deal. I got a Franklin that's running and you got a motorcycle that isn't, and needs repair." I told him, "That's funny, George. I thought I got the best of the deal because I got the only steam motorcycle, perhaps, in the whole world." He called me up a few weeks later and asked if I wanted to trade back again. That's when I knew I had a good deal because recently, I received an unsolicited offer of $250,000 for the motorcycle"

Goed, je kent 'm. Maar die site geeft geen compleet antwoord op mijn vragen.
Ik zeg niet wat er juist scheelt, zo heb je nog veel van je kansen...want er zijn nog wel kapers voor een puntje...
Maar je mag nog editen...
Heb je ontsteking ? Ja oorontsteking.
maerijn 10-8-2010 12:38 Print reply

Posts: 2455

dus het is goed als je zegt:

dit ding heet: Gillenwaters steam motorcycle

en het unieke is: dat hij op stoom rijd en er maar 1 van is?

edit: hij is zuinig en heeft weinig uitstoot, en ze gaan langer mee.


Dit bericht is gewijzigd door maerijn op 10-8-2010 om 12:46 uur.
pangolopalanga - Forum en Nieuws Moderator 10-8-2010 12:57 Print reply

Posts: 8650
Oorspronkelijk gepost door: maerijn

dus het is goed als je zegt:

dit ding heet: Gillenwaters steam motorcycle

en het unieke is: dat hij op stoom rijd en er maar 1 van is?

edit: hij is zuinig en heeft weinig uitstoot, en ze gaan langer mee.


Dit bericht is gewijzigd door maerijn op 10-8-2010 om 12:46 uur.

Ik geloof niet dat ik aan het muggenziften ben.

Heb je ontsteking ? Ja oorontsteking.
Scarface 10-8-2010 13:44 Print reply

Posts: 6023
Oorspronkelijk gepost door: Scarface
Gillenwaters steam motorcycle

Stoom motorfiets


Via: musee mecanique sf

Built in 1912 by Mr. Niles Gillenwaters in Sacramento, California. He built only one, and it never went into production. Lovingly restored by Mr.David Sarlyn of Berkeley, California, it is part of the Daniel Zelinsky Collection at the Musee Mecanique in San Francisco.

Here's how the Musee got hold of the Gillenwaters steam motorcycle:

I seldom sell, but I love to trade. I did a lot of trading with George Whitney, Sr.; we traded music boxes and pianos back and forth. I made one trade with George Whitney that I will never forget. I had lunch with him every third Thursday and Mr. Whitney sat at the same table that he sat at for 20 years. I remember he had a scotch over ice, shrimp cocktail and a minute steak. I tried to copy him, but I couldn't keep up with him on the drinks. Well, one time I had quite a few drinks, and I was feeling no pain and George said, "Ed, you have a 1904 Franklin, do you want to trade it?" And I said, "George, what will you give me for it?" Well, I don't really remember the conversation, but I do remember shaking hands with him and Mr. Whitney telling me, "Ed, you are the proud owner of a steam motorcycle."

Later, we had dinner again and he asked me who got the best deal in the trade. I said, "I don't know, George, you tell me." He said, "Ed, I got the best deal. I got a Franklin that's running and you got a motorcycle that isn't, and needs repair." I told him, "That's funny, George. I thought I got the best of the deal because I got the only steam motorcycle, perhaps, in the whole world." He called me up a few weeks later and asked if I wanted to trade back again. That's when I knew I had a good deal because recently, I received an unsolicited offer of $250,000 for the motorcycle"

Striving for perfection, Gillenwaters constantly tinkerd with the machine and made many changes and adjustments over the years. One such alteration was conversion of the burner from a vaporizing to an atomizing type. In the atomizing system, two flat fan-shaped flames were directed towards each other so that they met in the middle of the burner. aAn engine-driven generator powered the burnerblower, sparkplug igniter, and lights. Control was by a pressure-regulated bypass. This equipement was later removed and the cycle converted back to a vaporizing system.

Verder staat er ook dat deze fiets een topsnelheid van 110 mp/h kon halen.

Zo informatie genoeg?

Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Scarface op 10-8-2010 om 13:44 uur.

pangolopalanga - Forum en Nieuws Moderator 10-8-2010 14:45 Print reply

Posts: 8650
Oorspronkelijk gepost door: Scarface

Dat is nu toch jammer zeg.

Dan toch maar een paar tips :
- De foto die ik gepost heb is 'geshopt'...dat heeft een is meer dan één ding geshopt. Zoek de verschillen met de foto op de website die je zelf vond.
- Er is iets dat ik altijd vraag, maar nu kon dat niet...

Met drie zoekwoorden in google vind je zo hele pagina's resultaten...dus het is geen eigenlijk zelfs niet nodig
Heb je ontsteking ? Ja oorontsteking.
ErikVerkade 10-8-2010 18:24 Print reply

Posts: 980
Gillenwaters steam motorcycle

hij heeft een stoom turbine
het zelfde als hoe egels sex hebben, heel voorzichtig
popiv 11-8-2010 5:38 Print reply

Posts: 593
Dat ding heet 'The Steam Flyer' gemaakt door gillenwaters

dat ding loopt op stoom die wordt gecreëerd door petroleum of iets dergelijks op te fikken. En je moet 'm starten met een lucifer.
Smoking can reveal hidden lasertraps
pangolopalanga - Forum en Nieuws Moderator 11-8-2010 9:12 Print reply

Posts: 8650
Oorspronkelijk gepost door: popiv
Dat ding heet 'The Steam Flyer' gemaakt door gillenwaters

dat ding loopt op stoom die wordt gecreëerd door petroleum of iets dergelijks op te fikken. En je moet 'm starten met een lucifer.

Punt voor popiv.
De motorfiets heet inderdaad Steam Flyer. Dat staat ook op de tank.
Het unieke is dat hij op stoom loopt.

De naam van de ontwerper heb ik niet gevraagd. Ik vermoed dat de ontwerper Gilligan heet en niet Gillenwaters. Ik heb op google veel meer hits met Gilligan als zoekwoord dan met Gillenwaters. Op de websites die de ontwerper Gillenwaters noemen, wordt inderdaad ook de naam Steam Flyer niet vermeld, wat weer een indicatie is dat de inhoud nogal zozo is.

Normaal vraag ik merk en model, maar is dus een uniek stuk, en heeft enkel een 'koosnaam'.
Heb je ontsteking ? Ja oorontsteking.

Dit topic is 2009 keer bekeken. Log in om te kunnen reageren op dit onderwerp.
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