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  Main Forum - Topic #6207 - wat snelle brommertjes
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NSR RULEZZ 12-11-02?15:33 Print topicpost

Posts: 4934
ik was ff wat aan het smurfen en toen kwam ik dit tegen en omdat ik me verveelde gooi ik het hier maar ff neer

Our old MB5 with an untunable cast iron barrel, H100 carb, crap ignition, skinny worn out tyres made out of plastic and knackered suspension. Still it got us all started racing.

It's second year with beefed up MBX 125 front suspension.

The bike in its third year. It was bought from Dave Childs of Team Piston Broke and given that "Klingon" touch. The chassis is MT50, with Hagon shocks and a MBX 80 swing arm to tame the standard nervous handling. The wheels are MBX 80 and have been cut down to accept smaller but wider akront alloy rims.

The engine has a High Level alloy barrel and has been extensivly modified by Dave and Andy. The exhaust and carb is from a YZ 50 and ignition system from a YZ 125. The engine now revs to 13000 with the power starting at 8000 which gave the bike a great advantage at twisty tracks like Rowrah.

The bike has now been sold back to Piston Broke (with the old spec engine) who are using it as bike 2.

(tis wel engels maar ik neem aan dat de meesten hier daar geen probleem mee hebben)

whoea zie ik daar een mt blokje?

ander team

The racing is very close and competitive with the fastest machines reaching 70 mph. The series is aimed at the enthusiastic amateur and is probably the cheapest form of motorbike racing in the country. Please see the links for more information.

heheh 70mph dat is eeehmz keer 1.6 toch? ff rekenmachiene erbij pakken 112 hmzzzz volgens mij klopt hier iets niet :p

:n :n :n Here's how it used to be done. With much less weight and about 18 bhp these bikes used to lap at 100 mph. Our bike wouldn't have had a chance.

vetjes 100mph :n

nog wat andere zooi

Details of the project build for the 2001 series.

Acme Warriors are running the existing two bikes and running the fastest. At present, the Honda MT engine is making good power and is the engine in current use while the KX is worked on.

Details of the project build for the 2000 series.

The new engine is now in place but is not performing well. The Werx exhaust will have to be reworked and the KR1S carb need modifications.

Details of the project build for the 1999 series.

The bike started life as £800 worth of Honda RS 125 racer. Which was then stripped, engine brackets fabricated and the existing engine from the MT50 was made to fit. We have now sourced a carb from a KR1S which will be modified to use a non remote choke unit. A WERX exhaust is also to be fitted at the October Rowrah event. Hopefully these mods should improve the power curve from the flatter motocross style to the more peaky road race giving us more peak power and improved acceleration at the expense of tractability.

Here are a couple of shots of the bike in preparation for the October Rowrah 1999 event.

Brackets have been fabricated to take the MT50 engine using both bottom mounts and the head mount.

The new KR1S carb alongside the existing YZ50 unit.

da was ut owja[URL[t]][/t]bron[/URL]

beetje veel zooi maarja als je toch nix tedoen hebt

[URL[t]][/t]filmpje start brommer race [/URL]

[This message is edited by NSR RULEZZ <<-race_eend->> on 12-11-02 16:07]
oeiii waar is mijn oude vertrouwde grijs/rode brommerforumpje ???

Rene 12-11-02?17:02 Print reply
Posts: 2573
wel vet, overal een honda mt blokje onder, wat is het toch goeie kwaliteit he, die honda
24 uur in een dag, 24 bierflesjes in een krat, toeval? / Fairings are for homosexuals
jeroen 12-11-02?17:19 Print reply

Posts: 15066
whahah vet.
Hier_ben_ik - Administrator 12-11-02?18:24 Print reply

Posts: 8499
le moteur d'onda
Members zijn vervelend :-|
-Zeroed in- 12-11-02?21:49 Print reply

Posts: 3255
kolere, echt uberbruut, sjek alleen die schijfrem en die papzakkerige banden al :n
Neonlampje 12-11-02?22:39 Print reply

Posts: 14825
jezus wat een vette rommel!
die weten echt wel waar ze mee bezig zijn!! alleen ik vat niet.. waarom geen lc?
NSR RULEZZ 12-11-02?22:49 Print reply

Posts: 4934
Originally posted by: Neonlampje

jezus wat een vette rommel!
die weten echt wel waar ze mee bezig zijn!! alleen ik vat niet.. waarom geen lc?

dat zal wel niet mogen ivm. regels geen zin om door te lezen kijk zelf maar




1. Each team must only use ONE bike per endurance race although. ANY part may be replaced during a race.

2. All solo two stroke machines are to have an absolute maximum capacity of 55cc. All solo four strokes to have an absolute maximum capacity of 80cc.

3. TYRES: Front & rear tyres on all solo machines are to be of road legal origin & free of visible defect, some form of tread pattern must be visible at all times. Tyres are to be treaded, road legal at alt times during the meeting. Race tyres are strictly prohibited

4. All machines must have a clearly marked (red to all) positive functioning kill on/off switch on the handlebars. Push button type not permitted.

5. All machines must have a substantial & robust chainguard covering the point of chain entry to the rear sprocket (i.e. at the bottom). The chain guard must remain attached & functional for the duration of the meeting

6. All liquid cooled machines should use water only as the coolant. Radiators and coolant filed pipes where exposed must be protected from impact.

7. All front sprockets must be enclosed.

8. All foot pegs must be of the pivoting kind. No bicycle type Pedals. (Fixed Permitted).

9. All sump plugs must be lock wired.

10. Noisy bastards will be stopped from racing, silencers must be fitted.

11. All safety helmets must be full face & conform to BSIAU standards, subject to scrutineering. All safety helmets must be free of visible defect, be in good condition, less than 10 years old & a good fit. All safety helmets must be scrutineered & approved before entering the circuit

12. All machines are to have securely mounted fuel & oil (where applicable) tanks, with secure spill proof filler caps. All Machines must use fuel/lubricant catch tanks for carburetors. All engines must be switched off while refueling - failure to comply will result in disqualification 8/or lap penalties with no right of appeal No pressurized fuel fillers allowed

13. All solo machines are to have two independent brake systems (not including your feet) at least one to each wheel.

14. All hand levers are to be fitted with ball type ends, if they become broken during a race they must be replaced during the race.

15. All glass is to be removed or securely taped over.

16. All stands are to be removed.

17. Sharp projections & edges on machines must either be removed or rounded off.

18. Solos are not allowed full fairings. Handlebar fairings are only allowed for solos & must be supplied as standard equipment as new on that particular machine.

19. Three number plates are to be fitted to each machine. One each side & one at the front All must be dearly legible at all times. The size is to be a minimum of 8 x 6' (200mm x 150mm). The corners are to be rounded & the edges to be blunt & smooth. Number plates are to be coloured to represent the relevant class in which the machine is competing.

20. All machines will be checked on the start line to ensure they are eligible to race.

21. No nitro-Benzene fuel permitted.

22. No riding of bikes will be tolerated outside of scheduled program of events or away from designated areas, unless indicated and permitted by the clerk of the course.

23. All riding must stop between 1800 hours & 0900 hours.

24. No bikes permitted in the pits that are not being raced.

25. No children or pushbikes in the pits during any race or practice sessions.

26. During the Le mans" start, only the riders may move, bike holders must remain stationary. The riders must run (or waddle) the full distance to their respective machines.

27. During any race or practice session all work must be undertaken in the paddock.

28. There will be a "STOP BOX" at the entry to the pit lane, this must be observed.

29. Championship points will be awarded: 20; 19:18; down to 1 point for 20 place for each race.

30. Riders left arm to be raised, prominently, to indicate when touring or returning to pits.

31. To quality for championship points in your class, you must have completed at least 25% of the overall race winner's number of laps.

32. During a race stop situation (red flag) the pits and pit lane will be closed.

33. No rider will be permitted on the circuit whilst under, or considered to be under, the influence of alcohol.


CLASS 1: Specials.

Red number plate, white numbers. Any road based air-cooled engine in a special or (Honda) RS frame. Any road based liquid cooled engine in any frame with a 20mm Maximum carburetor size Any non-road air-cooled based engine (YZ, RM, KX etc) will automatically enter Class 1. Any machine considered by the clerk of the course (or his nominee) to be fast enough gets entered into Class 1.

CLASS 2: Supersports.

White number plate, black numbers Any Kawasaki AR or AE engine in AR or AE standard frame. Suspension can be up-rated but not modified.

CLASS 3: Two Stroke Sports.

Green number plate, white numbers. Two stroke engines in standard roadster rolling chassis, suspension can be up-rated but not modified, Special frames or modified suspension promotes you to Class 1. Examples: Yamaha FS1E/RD5O/DT5O, Suzuki AP5O/X1, Fantic GT5O, Honda MB5.MT5, Puch Grand Prix, etc.

CLASS 4: Four Strokes.

Black number plate, White numbers. Four stroke Air-cooled engines upto 80cc in any road based rolling chassis. Production racing frames (i.e. Honda RS will promote you to class 1)

CLASS 6: Step Thru's

Yellow number plate, black numbers. Any air cooled two stroke step thru (twist'n'go) engine up to 55cc in any frame with any brakes & any suspension. No Gearbox or Manual clutch permitted.

CLASS 5: Sidecars.

Rules as per solo machines with the following Engine capacities: Two stroke single cylinder up to an absolute maximum of 110cc with 20mm diameter carburettor intake restriction, of four stroke up to an absolute maximum of 130cc single or twin cylinder, All engines must be of road bike based origin. Twins must retain a standard external appearance including carburettors. Sidecars Chassis: The wheels are to consist of front wheel, a back wheel & a sidecar wheel. The front & back wheels are to be in line & the sidecar wheel must be far enough off to one side to ensure adequate stability. Sidecars are permitted to use racing kart wheels & tyres on the sidecar only, as they solve problems of scale & mounting. Hinged or other banking outfits are prohibited. One wheel is to steer & one is to drive, one wheel can do both. Sidecars are to carry two crew members. Any two (at least) wheels of the outfit must have an independent braking system. Sidecar dimensions: There is a length restriction of 6 feet, (1 .83m) between the front & rear wheel spindles & a width restriction of 4 feet (1.22m) from the outside edge of the sidecar tyre to the outside edge of the rear tyre. There is no maximum or minimum height set for any machine. We recommend a minimum of 60 degrees lock to lock. Sidecar outfits are to have the top half of the rear wheel covered on both sides & the inboard side of the sidecar wheel covered over. All primary & secondary drives are to be protected by a robust guard. Sidecar endurance races will be 1/2 hour duration & will count towards the championships.


Protective leather clothing is compulsory, we recommend one piece or two piece zip together. Gloves MUST be worn & must be made of leather. Boots are to be at least calf length & preferably made of leather, but some Moto-X type, plastic boots are permitted at the discretion of the clerk of the course. Ankle length boots are not permitted. All clothing must be considered by the scrutineer to be in good condition. Eye protection is not compulsory but is strongly recommended. We also recommend knee pads & consideration should be given to elbow pads. One piece full face safety helmets & suitable clothing must be worn at all times whilst riding (including testing) a race machine. No Moto-X helmets, no plastic chin pieces, no open face helmets. Helmets must be less than 10 years old.


Green - Go for it.

Red - STOP at first flag. Failure to comply will result in disqualification or a lap score penalty being imposed with NO right of appeal. Pit access will be denied.

Chequered - It's all over now.

Yellow (stationery) - Proceed with caution - No overtaking.

Yellow (waved) - Be prepared to stop-No overtaking.

Black with you number - Something is amiss, report to pits & find clerk of the course or scrutineer for further bollocking


Electronic lap scoring will be compulsory.


These rules are intended to be simple to keep racing safe & competitive. A standard bike is easy to adapt to comply with the rules & should prove to be reliable.

oeiii waar is mijn oude vertrouwde grijs/rode brommerforumpje ???
wipe-out 12-11-02?22:56 Print reply

Posts: 7672
d'r staat niet echt iets over waterkoeling bij (behalve dat er water ipv koelvloeistof gebruikt moet worden (omdat koelvloeistof glad is als het bij een ongeluk op de baan komt)), maar dit staat er wel:

CLASS 1: Specials.

Red number plate, white numbers. Any road based air-cooled engine in a special or (Honda) RS frame. Any road based liquid cooled engine in any frame with a 20mm Maximum carburetor size Any non-road air-cooled based engine (YZ, RM, KX etc) will automatically enter Class 1. Any machine considered by the clerk of the course (or his nominee) to be fast enough gets entered into Class 1.

dat ding rijd dus in Class 1, valt onder het type dat ik vet en onderstreept gemaakt heb, en het heeft niet echt een speciale rede waarom hij ac is, en niet lc volgens mij?

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