M.O. |
9-11-2005 17:39 |
 Posts: 1289 |
Quote: Oorspronkelijk gepost door: Liquid
there is no intrest for my project, so remote my tread, thanks for the time on this forum.
bye bye
Metrakit SP -->24mm OKO D-slid--->Yasuni HM Cross!!! 230!!!! MAN WHEEOOOW |
mcdronkz |
9-11-2005 17:40 |
 Posts: 32777 |
Quote: Oorspronkelijk gepost door: Liquid
there is no intrest for my project, so remote my tread, thanks for the time on this forum.
de mazzel ! ga maar ff een fatsoenlijke brommer bouwen.
zundappchef |
9-11-2005 17:46 |
 Posts: 4082 |
Quote: Oorspronkelijk gepost door: mcdronkz
de mazzel ! ga maar ff een fatsoenlijke brommer bouwen.
en vooral geen kever gaan rijden
1000 v twin rotax biatch |
Henk-88 |
9-11-2005 17:59 |
 Posts: 26703 |
Quote: Oorspronkelijk gepost door: Liquid
there is no intrest for my project, so remote my tread, thanks for the time on this forum.
No interest? Your project has been seen about 9290 times up till now. Stay and keep us posted. You're getting the same treatment as the other users, so don't be too disappointed
'Justice is supposed to be blind, of course. But must it be stupid too?' |
Frysk |
9-11-2005 19:07 |
 Posts: 34930 |
Quote: Oorspronkelijk gepost door: henk-88
No interest? Your project has been seen about 9290 times up till now. Stay and keep us posted. You're getting the same treatment as the other users, so don't be too disappointed
I always read your treads so please stay on Brommerforum
giggitybyte |
Liquid |
9-11-2005 19:52 |
Posts: 110 |
henk, in the begining i have a lot of watchers, but most of them where not returning, sad but true..
English and Swedish talking only! |
Henk-88 |
9-11-2005 20:30 |
 Posts: 26703 |
Quote: Oorspronkelijk gepost door: Liquid
henk, in the begining i have a lot of watchers, but most of them where not returning, sad but true..
I have to admit that I often don't know what to reply, but I'm following your project though. What you post here will be remained for years and years so you will reach many more users that still have to come.
You could consider to post your updates in another way (with less effort), and not expecting an immediate respons. Sometimes an update hits the right persons eye at the second time you post something because the first time the update was 'hot' he was doing something elsewhere at that moment.
You'll disappoint many users here by quitting (now) I think.
I can't force you to stay; but reconsider the thought
'Justice is supposed to be blind, of course. But must it be stupid too?' |
tsx crosser |
9-11-2005 20:31 |
 Posts: 2356 |
Quote: Oorspronkelijk gepost door: Liquid
henk, in the begining i have a lot of watchers, but most of them where not returning, sad but true..
and when you are gonna post more pictures they all will come back   .
Dit bericht is gewijzigd door tsx crosser op 9-11-2005 om 20:32 uur.
Ktm Sx-f 250 |
tsx crosser |
9-11-2005 20:34 |
 Posts: 2356 |
Quote: Oorspronkelijk gepost door: henk-88
I have to admit that I often don't know what to reply, but I'm following your project though. What you post here will be remained for years and years so you will reach many more users that still have to come.
You could consider to post your updates in another way (with less effort), and not expecting an immediate respons. Sometimes an update hits the right persons eye at the second time you post something because the first time the update was 'hot' he was doing something elsewhere at that moment.
You'll disappoint many users here by quitting (now) I think.
I can't force you to stay; but reconsider the thought
Ktm Sx-f 250 |
Johnny B |
9-11-2005 20:36 |
 Posts: 8381 |
Quote: Oorspronkelijk gepost door: zundappchef
en vooral geen kever gaan rijden
ajj.. dronks hap even
Raps--> R-acende A-chterhoekers P-romoten S-nelheid Jje moet schieten anders kun je niet scoren |
mcdronkz |
9-11-2005 20:37 |
 Posts: 32777 |
it's like real life. when you aint got any updates you become boring, and you lose all your homiez aight. you aint wanna have that do ya.
so keep postin' updates and gain some respect. otherwise than bitching other people when they are not interrested in your project.
and you will get homies everywhere around ya. aint that freakin cool or what ?
maar ik bats wel met je moeder
Quote: Oorspronkelijk gepost door: zundappchef
en vooral geen kever gaan rijden
sommige mensen blijven eeuwig op een gare brommer rijden, sommige mensen boeken progressie.
Dit bericht is gewijzigd door mcdronkz op 9-11-2005 om 20:39 uur.
Henk-88 |
9-11-2005 20:40 |
 Posts: 26703 |
Quote: Oorspronkelijk gepost door: mcdronkz
it's like real life. when you aint got any updates you become boring, and you lose all your homiez aight. you aint wanna have that do ya.
so keep postin' updates and gain some respect. otherwise than bitching other people when they are not interrested in your project.
and you will get homies everywhere around ya. aint that freakin cool or what ?
maar ik bats wel met je moeder
sommige mensen blijven eeuwig op een gare brommer rijden, sommige mensen boeken progressie.
Dit bericht is gewijzigd door mcdronkz op 9-11-2005 om 20:39 uur.
sais our uncrowned 'bitching-king'
Dit bericht is gewijzigd door henk-88 op 9-11-2005 om 20:57 uur.
'Justice is supposed to be blind, of course. But must it be stupid too?' |
mcdronkz |
9-11-2005 20:42 |
 Posts: 32777 |
Quote: Oorspronkelijk gepost door: henk-88
sais our uncrowned 'bitching-king'
stfu, i cannot remember i asked your something.
Dit bericht is gewijzigd door mcdronkz op 9-11-2005 om 20:42 uur.
tsx crosser |
9-11-2005 20:56 |
 Posts: 2356 |
Quote: Oorspronkelijk gepost door: mcdronkz
stfu, i cannot remember i asked your something.

Dit bericht is gewijzigd door mcdronkz op 9-11-2005 om 20:42 uur.
I remember: You didn't  .
Ktm Sx-f 250 |
mcdronkz |
9-11-2005 20:59 |
 Posts: 32777 |
Quote: Oorspronkelijk gepost door: henk-88
Dit bericht is gewijzigd door henk-88 op 9-11-2005 om 20:57 uur.
als je een kever heb, kan er niets meer fout gaan in het leven
for ts that doesn't understand any dutch:
if you have a bubbla, nothing can go wrong, so sell your mt, en buy a bubbla.
Dit bericht is gewijzigd door mcdronkz op 9-11-2005 om 21:07 uur.