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Technical Forum - The "new" Eurocilindro 125cc?

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  Technical Forum - Topic #26737 - The "new" Eurocilindro 125cc?
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Kurtan 2-3-2005 22:19 Print topicpost

Posts: 18

Just saw the Eurocilindro with that MASSIVE reedvalve. Anyone who has more pics, or actually have tried it? Is the only difference the reedvalve or is there some changes in the timing/porting too? How big is the reedvale? CR80-size perhaps?

John from ZWEDEN
Honda MB 110cc

robert 2-3-2005 22:32 Print reply

Posts: 900
Istn't it the reedvalve who melts by the gasoline?

Een frikandel en een jagermeister in de morgen, is een dag zonder zorgen.
wipe-out 2-3-2005 22:38 Print reply

Posts: 7672
Do you mean the Athena?

Erik_N posted in this topic that he has the old Eurocilindro and the new Athena, and that they are compleetly the same (except that one of them is a size B and the other a size E).
Kurtan 2-3-2005 22:42 Print reply

Posts: 18
If you take a look @ you see that there is two different 125cc, both Athena/eurocilindro. You see clearly that one of them has a much bigger reedvalve with a 6-lip reed.
Honda MB 110cc
wildhaguh 2-3-2005 22:49 Print reply

Posts: 1650
kunde gulie nie gewoon nederlands buurte
dan snap ik het ook

normaal wordt er glijk gezegt abn prate als het paar letters verkeerd is
en dit dan?
is ok gin abn hoor
-Niellesie- 2-3-2005 22:50 Print reply

Posts: 6454
Oorspronkelijk gepost door: wildhaguh

kunde gulie nie gewoon nederlands buurte
dan snap ik het ook

normaal wordt er glijk gezegt abn prate als het paar letters verkeerd is
en dit dan?
is ok gin abn hoor

ehm hij komt uit zweden en op staat een nieuwe athena 128cc met groter membraam te koop en hij wou nou graag wat meer info
Leen 2-3-2005 22:51 Print reply

Posts: 26877
Oorspronkelijk gepost door: wildhaguh

kunde gulie nie gewoon nederlands buurte
dan snap ik het ook

normaal wordt er glijk gezegt abn prate als het paar letters verkeerd is
en dit dan?
is ok gin abn hoor

misschien komt die knakker wel uit zweden ofzo, en kan dus geen neerlands praten?
wipe-out 2-3-2005 22:55 Print reply

Posts: 7672
Hij praat CCE: Commonly Civilized English.

Maybe you can mail to ask them if there is a difference in the cilinders. I doubt it, because I think it will not be profitable to manufacture new mals for such an old moped.
Kurtan 2-3-2005 22:59 Print reply

Posts: 18
Yeah, I forgot to say that I want english answers.. please


Then why should it be more profitable with making a new cyl with bigger reedvalve? :S
Honda MB 110cc
-Niellesie- 2-3-2005 23:03 Print reply

Posts: 6454
the cilinder is also available at

Dit bericht is ge-edit door -Niellesie- op 2-3-2005 23:05
wipe-out 2-3-2005 23:05 Print reply

Posts: 7672
Ik heb het topic een beetje opgeschoond. Houd het ontopic en ga niet liggen zeuren dat je geen Engels kan.

I've cleaned the topic a bit, deleted some stupid replies.


Oorspronkelijk gepost door: Kurtan

Yeah, I forgot to say that I want english answers.. please


Then why should it be more profitable with making a new cyl with bigger reedvalve? :S

I guess the cilinders are the same, and there is only a reedvalve included in the kit. It looks big, very big, but I think it will fit the Eurocilindro.
Joscross 2-3-2005 23:07 Print reply

Posts: 12501
Oorspronkelijk gepost door: wipe-out

Hij praat CCE: Commonly Civilized English.

Maybe you can mail to ask them if there is a difference in the cilinders. I doubt it, because I think it will not be profitable to manufacture new mals for such an old moped.

Mwa, for the new 70cc Eurocilindro they've also made new malls. So why not for the 125cc version? Maybe they've altered the alloys and therefore the malls so the cylinders can be made at cheaper costs with the same sustainability.
wipe-out 2-3-2005 23:13 Print reply

Posts: 7672
You do have a point there. I've send an e-mail to, so hopefully we will find out soon.
Baasbas 2-3-2005 23:18 Print reply
Posts: 2176
check the price difference on
100 euro's...

If only the intake is enlarged to fit that bigger reedvalve, I'd buy the cheap version and machine it myself and save me 100 euro's

So it almost can't be the only difference? Or.. ?
een walvis is geen Elvis, al is hij nog zo dik
Joscross 2-3-2005 23:18 Print reply

Posts: 12501
By the way, its a known fact that the newer version of the 70cc eurocilindro is a bit slower than the old one. Maybe this also applies to the 125cc versions and they compensate this by including a big reedvalve at the kit. Just a guess..
Oorspronkelijk gepost door: Baasbas

check the price difference on
100 euro's...

If only the intake is enlarged to fit that bigger reedvalve, I'd buy the cheap version and machine it myself and save me 100 euro's

So it almost can't be the only difference? Or.. ?

Thats just marketing techniques, the older version goes down in prise, the newer version doesn't go up..

Dit bericht is ge-edit door Joscross op 2-3-2005 23:21
mr200r 3-3-2005 0:07 Print reply
Posts: 5122
Are there in sweden no schops for parts?

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