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  Main Forum - Topic #19035 - Question from norway
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Gnalcarion 25-5-2004 11:29 Print reply
Posts: 13
Oorspronkelijk gepost door: hondadriver_chris

what does he mean?
does he want a new cilinder?
i think it will cost a lot to send it to norway!!
but good luck with the search

ff proberen engels te type
hij wil dus een nieuwe cilinder ofzow? kandie tog kijken?

Read from top!
jeroen 25-5-2004 11:29 Print reply

Posts: 15066
Marthin 25-5-2004 11:31 Print reply

Posts: 6164
it wil cost 17?

edit: foutje 18 euro

zie: https://secure.postp...ex?ProductGroupId=12

Dit bericht is ge-edit door Marthin op 25-5-2004 11:34
CraftyVirus 25-5-2004 11:32 Print reply
Posts: 1530
? 17 to send it to norway? It's not that much..
Gnalcarion 25-5-2004 11:34 Print reply
Posts: 13
Oorspronkelijk gepost door: jeroen

What kind of site is this?
They're selling parts there?

Didn't get much out of it thou...
I speak a little german but it didn't help me out at all here
wipe-out 25-5-2004 11:35 Print reply

Posts: 7672
Shipping a cilinder from Holland to Norway will cost approximately 20 Euro.

This will be approximately 175 NOK.
arrier 25-5-2004 11:35 Print reply
Posts: 2221
Oorspronkelijk gepost door: Gnalcarion


What kind of site is this?
They're selling parts there?

Didn't get much out of it thou...
I speak a little german but it didn't help me out at all here

on the right side of the main page you can click for the english version
I mean at not at jos dijkman they haven't got an english version
Dit bericht is ge-edit door arrier op 25-5-2004 11:35

Dit bericht is ge-edit door arrier op 25-5-2004 11:36
frenk 25-5-2004 11:35 Print reply
Posts: 354
no you can't order things there. so you can better look at
Gnalcarion 25-5-2004 11:35 Print reply
Posts: 13
I'll be back online in 20 min.
Ralf 25-5-2004 11:36 Print reply

Posts: 9073
Josdijkman will ship if you just ask him to..
kpotappel86 25-5-2004 11:43 Print reply

Posts: 2679
Can't you go to your local dealer and ask hem the cilinder kit you want...?

maybe hem can order it bij his grossier(leverancier toch..)

if you wanna do it in your one you can visit:'t have them either only the malossi mhr replica it's your choice)'t have it only the mhr replica cilinder) to understant for you ? think)'t have them either only the pro race the malossi it's your choice)

i'll hope you can use this information

>>>Life's To Short To Ride Slow<<< >>>Life Start @ 120 Km/H<<< >>> neem je leven niet zo serieus joh... je overleeft het toch niet<<<
MB-SpEeDfReAk 25-5-2004 11:46 Print reply
Posts: 612
Oorspronkelijk gepost door: kpotappel86

Can't you go to your local dealer and ask HIM the cilinder kit you want...?

maybe HE can order it bij his SUPPLIER(leverancier toch..)

if you wanna do it ON your one you can visit:'t have them either only the malossi mhr replica it's your choice)'t have it only the mhr replica cilinder) to understant for you ? think)'t have them either only the pro race the malossi it's your choice)

i hope you can use this information

MB-SpEeDfReAk 25-5-2004 11:47 Print reply
Posts: 612
Oorspronkelijk gepost door: MB-SpEeDfReAk


Eef 25-5-2004 11:52 Print reply

Posts: 2351
Why can`t you go to your local dealer?
aprilia2000 mod... :p
Ralf 25-5-2004 11:52 Print reply

Posts: 9073
Omdat Hebo amper levert in Noorwegen..

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