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23128 koen-z 18-10-2004 22:17 Main Forum 2398 32

Gepost door: koen-z Gepost op: 18-10-2004 22:17
laat kreeg ik een mailtje voor m'n honda. die vent komt uit engeland en wil m'n honda kopen.. ksnap er tot nu toe geen flikker van.. beetje duistere praktijken.

tjek dit.

Hello ,
Thanks for the mail.I'm okay with the condition and the price is okay by me,and i am ready to purchase from you immediately, i will offer you EUR 375.00,for it,and i want you to delete the ad from the website.I have a reputable shipper that will take care of shipping from your end,and i have inform my shipper and he said that the term is okay by him.
I want to let you know that i have an associate in Europe that is owing me a sum of EUR 4,000,i will instruct him to issue you a cheque on my behalf and as soon as cheque arrives,you hold out your amountand send the difference to my shipper and his team for the pick up in your place and some heavy goods i have with them.I hope i can trust you with my balance.Do get back to me with the following details:
1.Name to be issue to...
2.Contact Address(Ci ty,State,Zip code,Country):
3.Contact telephone number:
Do get back to me asap with this details for
payment to be made out to you immediately.
Your prompt responce is awaited.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Koen Zuurbier"
Subject: RE: een honda mt.......................
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 14:19:42 +0200

my last price.... let me think... 375euros.

>From: "kevin little" <>
>To: "Koen Zuurbier" <>
>Subject: een honda mt.......................
>Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 05:47:46 +0800

Chatten met je online vrienden via MSN Messenger klik hier
From: "kevin little" <>
To: "Koen Zuurbier" <>
Subject: een honda mt.......................
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 05:47:46 +0800

thanks for the mail and your swift talk .i will like you to send me the last price of it......

----- Original Message -----
From: "Koen Zuurbier"
Subject: RE: een honda mt.......................
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 11:34:11 +0200

hi, kevin.

i like to begin that my english isnt so good, so excuse me for that.

As you have seen, the honda is tottaly black. the rims arent normal for this moped, nomaly are thees rims on the honda MB. At the front wheel there is a disc brake.

The front fork is al little bit up-hight. and the rear bridge, (I hope i say it right) is'nt original, its a lot stronger than the original and he has al beautifuly, iron look.

the engine:

70cc immitation.
20mm carburation

techno, exhaust pipe.
and there are 4 gears on it.

speed at top: 90+ (he accelerate very very fast!)

the price: what do you want to give for this moped..

and if you really want fully information, you should come over and have a ride.

kind regards,


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