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Deze reply is gepost in de afdeling Profile in het onderwerp 'NCNSR' (ID 20495).
De reply is geschreven door Kurzel (UserID 14038) op 27-11-2009 19:35.
I figure the page in dutch could be a little hard for you,
so here's some tips.
If you click on this arrow
on the upper right of your screen, a menu pops up.
Click edit profile, and you'll get a whole list of things you can fill out.
Pictures can be shown on this forum using image tags
[img] www. website. com/ bike picture.jpg [/img]
(without the interspaces)
You can fill those in at this part of the page:
"Profile contents"
Info/verhaaltje over jezelf, als je het leuk vindt/de moeite is om dat met andere te delen .
Smilies help
Code uitleg
Here you can also tell something about yourself or your bikes that you would like us to know.
Hope this helps you out a little![](img/post/s/wink.gif)
Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Kurzel op 27-11-2009 om 19:37 uur.
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