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Deze reply is gepost in de afdeling Profile in het onderwerp 'NSR RULEZZ' (ID 571).
De reply is geschreven door NSR RULEZZ (UserID 571) op 14-5-2004 16:39.
Omerta 2.1
After running Omerta "The next attempt" for over 5 months we decided to make a more smoothe version of Omerta, which will be faster and which has more options.
What changes/additions can you expect in the new version of Omerta?
New ranks, new cars, more family options, and a lot more!
We're also planning to finally add the forums and maybe an ingame chat to the game.
We're also building in more anti-cheat functions, so that the fair players among you have equal chances to those who are currently using macro's (Programs that play the game for you even if you are not behind your computer). But we will keep in mind that its very annoying to fill in a security code, we hope that we can figure out a different security system to give these macro's a zero chance of success.
We're trying to manage about four servers for a cheap price.. Currently we're running on just one server and it would be a real improvement to the gamespeed (and that item caused that we closed the registration as you probably know) if we can arrange three more servers, one for the database, two others which function as webservers, and the last one for backups & beta-testing.
Will there be a reset?
Yes, there will be a reset. The database will be altered a lot, only think of the new ranks we're adding, and therefor its necessary to do a complete reset
When can we expect the new version of Omerta?
Our current deadline is for the 15th of June, but you know what it is with deadlines and the Omerta-crew, we're always too late . Anyway, we'll try to manage it!
Do you need beta-testers for the new version of Omerta?
We've got a team of +- 50 people right now, and thats enough to test the new version of Omerta, so.. Nope, we don't need any beta-testers.
What about Omerta 2(.0)?
Omerta will be halted from the 31th of May untill the release date of the new version. Local bulletfactories will produce ten times more bullets than ever before so you can die an honorable death in a family war or something
I donated during Omerta 1/2, will i have a new donating member account in 2.1?
Ofcourse you will the database which holds the info of the donating members will be transfered to 2.1 and you will receive an email from us the day before we launch omerta 2.1 with your information!
Everyone may participate in our logo contest for Omerta 2.1, the logo should only contain the word Omerta in white, and use as backgroundcolor the following hexcode: #3F505F. Don't try to make it too fancy!
Mail your logo to ...
Three logos will be selected and the three winners will get a nice price.. After that we will pick one of the three to be our new Omerta logo!
You can submit your logos until the 1th of June
We hope to see you there!
Thanks to all the helpdeskmembers, times members, times editors, moderators, admins who where very helpful in the past 4 months and who have added a very important factor to the playability and fun-factor.
Thanks to all gamers for playing Omerta "The next attempt", and we hope to see you back at the follow-up!
The Crew
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