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Deze reply is gepost in de afdeling Profile in het onderwerp 'vinnie' (ID 1415).
De reply is geschreven door Scarface (UserID 6640) op 14-10-2005 13:55.

Pho' Sure
This young vietwigger is posing tough for his homeboys in little Saigon. Shy, and rarely spotted by the average wigger hunted, the vietwigger is an elusive creature who dwells primarily underground.

Cotton Candy
Like the Mallard Duck and Peacock, the wigger male will go to great lengths to secure a mate. This young wigger, for instance, has donned a vibrant all pink outfit to ensure success during the mating season. In this case, the flamboyant color scheme serves the dual purpose of both helping him get noticed by females in heat and distracting other males who will be too busy beating his ass to steal any of his mates. A borderline suicidal strategy, but successful nonetheless.

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