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Deze reply is gepost in de afdeling Main Forum in het onderwerp 'So what does everyone think of the new forum?' (ID 4).
De reply is geschreven door Sven the man (UserID 2) op 27-4-01?09:21.

OK some little points that could be improved:

- When you're reading a topic, the top of the page says "Honda mt50 forum - topic", it would be handy if the topic name was given instead of just "topic"

- When your in the inbox of your personal messages you can't go directly back to the topiclist, you have to go to main first, so a link to topiclist would be handy.

- When you've posted a reply and go back to the topiclist you see the green icon (new topic/reply), but this is your own reply...

Maybe you think I'm an antfucker (mierenneuker??) now, but I already said it a couple of times before THE FORUM IS GREAT!! I just want to help with a few little things that could be improved...

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