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Deze reply is gepost in de afdeling Main Forum in het onderwerp 'Bush OF Kerry' (ID 23644).
De reply is geschreven door Saknet (UserID 129) op 3-11-2004 16:53.

wat ik dus wil zeggen is, er zal vast wel iets veranderne, maar of dat positief uit kan pakken?

eenzijdig gesprek tussen mij en een patriotic amerikaan:
you are killing your environment, together with all your americans, because you all scream out loud GOD BLESS AMERICA
as if god may not bless the rest of the world, arrogance at high peaks.

meanwhile you and your compadres build big bombs and scream out loud WE HAVE TO PROTECT OURSELFS FROM OTHER HUMANS

why? nobody has got anything to lose.. except maybe some money and bombs and tanks, in other words, garbage that no form of life ever needs except a weird form of humans in green outifts.

same as human treat animals and nature, we act as if we, humans are superiour. in fact, just because humans THINK they are superiour to animals and nature, they are minor.

but you probably wont understand me ever. thats normal for ppl who cant appreciate life while they dont have a clue about the perfect and wonderfull things it has to offer.
and thats why ppl like you prefer a life of stress, haste, worrys, survival and money.

were all fucking born on this planet and while we are here we live in a fucked environment with very complicated things you have to do when you JUST want to survive, which is just a waste of time because everything alive has the right to survive..

we are really fucking dumb and idiotic cause we dont give up war and pointless hate, fear, worrys etc. and then make this world a paradise for everything alife as soon as possible.
now you probably think i wanna have power or might or something as crappy as whatever i dont need or give a fuck i just hate to throw large amounts of time away at things that could have been SO EASY.

and forgive me for being rude but i think anyone would like to have all the things related to surviving as easy as possible.
except governments, cause its their source of $$$ to make things for normal everyday ppl as complicated as possible.

but i guess you lost my point. thats sad, very sad.

natuurlijk, was de arme patriot helemaal uitgeluld toen :/

damn dat had ik 3 januari 2004 getypt wow zeg..

omg lees dit dan:
bovenaan is wat ik ga replyen:

kerry wil toch ook president worden?
weetje wel wat wannabe betekent?

-------Origineel bericht:-------
Verzonden door: brutus
Verzonden op: 3-11-2004 16:51
Onderwerp: Re: bush

jij zegt kerry is wannebe dat is lekker onbouwd leer lezen joh schaam jij je voor je leeftijd ofzo dat je het niet in profiel zet ofzo

Dit bericht is ge-edit door Saknet op 3-11-2004 16:56

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