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Deze reply is gepost in de afdeling Main Forum in het onderwerp '' (ID 23259).
De reply is geschreven door Ed Honda CB50J (UserID 3528) op 23-10-2004 17:02.
Oorspronkelijk gepost door:
ok sorry peopl, have any of you had a look at the site
Yeah I took a quick peak, and then I quickly pressed the X because it was to damn ugly.
Jaja, just like my head 
Nah, Why would WE go and use ur site ?
This is a Dutch forum and many of us like this forum because it is a very clear forum. You can see lots of things at the same time. So it's handy and Dutch.
So I dont think that people on this forum would visit your forym everyday. Because it isn't practical. understand that ?
Dit bericht is ge-edit door Ed Honda CB50J op 23-10-2004 17:03
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