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Deze reply is gepost in de afdeling Main Forum in het onderwerp 'VLAMMENWERPER uit je uitlaat (gna gna)' (ID 2731).
De reply is geschreven door Geckoo (UserID 605) op 25-1-02?22:10.
FF een vertaling van dat franse geblaat.
There are scooters which make dreamed, others which gives birth to from passions, and others as this superb Aerox which gives the impression to us that in the final analysis, our scooter is well tristoun?! But what does it thus have the so special one? It is a spitting scooter of flame and then? Yes, it is a scooter which spits of the flames, but it should be seen how it spits them, and when it is known that it is thanks to a room with combustion which equips the jets, and well one already starts to encircle small the b?b?te! From where comes us this scooter (Netherland), there is a habit of celebration of the rather special queen...
And why not dream with a scooter K2000??
I explain you, all the 30 avrils of each year, the " Netherlandais " honour the queen by making the most possible tintinmare in the street, but not at any time of the day (!) only of 6h with 8h... Of the mat'! Hello the vicinity... And when it is a question of neighbors, all the solutions planned to awake them are possible, of the drum (no one), with the surboost?s tractors (already better!)
For this occasion and with the assistance of his/her father who work in a factory of engine for plane, Steef Vermeulen concoct? us the scooter Afterburn history to be the h?ro during these two hours of madnesses!
For this occasion it thus used a room with combustion of engine of jet which it borrowed from the company with his father. It removed the silencer of its muffler and it replaced it by the combustion chamber. Blow, its scooter requires much more energy (gasoline!) this is why it installed a larger gasoline tank and a battery of car.
And released heat will you say to me? Ben if you want to make roast your sausages, do not obstruct you! And the plastic, it is not really the matter which resists the flames. In order to avoid the kind of trick not funny to its scooter, Steef replaced the back careenages by aluminium plates. So that the flames come out of the pot, it also put an injection pump and a syst?me of lighting intended in an original manner for the h?licopt?res which sparks of 18 000 Volts to spades of 7 000 Watts! The consumption of the machine is 50 Liters / hour... But good the result is there, a scooter with post combustion
Blazzz? for a hair, Steef poses tranquilement for the photograph...
To make noise, it is well, but to protect the ears it is not stupid either whole... Hello the decibels! Does Euh, and tell me Steef, your pot it is approved??
Lijkt me ook wel leuk zeker met zo'n mb uitlaat. lijkt al net een raket (met mijn verbeelding dan) 
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