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Deze reply is gepost in de afdeling Main Forum in het onderwerp 'Montage/Demontage Honda MT50' (ID 258).
De reply is geschreven door 70malossi (UserID 34) op 8-5-01?13:03.
okeeh, i will translate it for you,but muy englisch is not so verry good.
first you start the engine en when the motor is warm,you let the oil loose when its stil running,let the morot run till all the oil is out of the gearbox,then let it run half an our at 9000 rpm.
meanwile you srew the exhaust loose ,and put a screwdriver in the exaustport,or if your nales are to long,you put your fingers in it,but be carefull,not to wide.
than you throw some sand in the tank to make it clean.
when the motor stops running that means the tank is clean.
than you plug your electric stuff on to 220 volt to make thye plug clean,so you dont have to screw it lose.
i dont have more time so the rest i will post later.
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