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Deze reply is gepost in de afdeling Technical Forum in het onderwerp 'What cylinder is the fastest for mt8' (ID 48082).
De reply is geschreven door Frysk (UserID 6584) op 21-2-2008 18:22.
Oorspronkelijk gepost door: mblover
I know how they limited the top-speed in Holland.
But not in every foreign country the fast cilinder's were mounted. The German GE2 is much slower than the Belgium one.
I do not know wich cilinder was mounted in Norway, but it would not suprise me if it is the slow one, because the speed limits in Norway are even more crazy than the speed limits in Holland...
Yes I know, But what I was trying to say, Honda is not slow
I think if honda would make a new moped (example new NSR50) then Malossi, hebo etc would make faster cylinders for them so they could compete with Am6/Derbi/Morini etc 
Now you need to do much more effort.
But we are going a bit off-topic.
I recommand you an Malossi cylinder icw 28/30mm carburator and a home made exhaust
It wouldn't cost you extremely much and the performance increase much more
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