STFU kan meer betekenissen hebben:
Shy Tubers Falling Up
Slap The Fat Uncle
Shocked Technologies Falling Under
Sufficient Thermometers Feeling Us
Shadow Tinkering For Undernet
Shoot The Flatulent ?bermime
Stupid, ThickSkulled,Flatulant, & Ugly
Smelling The Funky Underarm
Stone Turnips Feeling Udders
Spruce Trees Fall Unevenly
Somebody Talk For Us
Steal Tanks From Uganda
Sam Takes Frodo Under
Sucks To Feel U
So That's For Unkowns?
Save The Fubar Users

Ship Them Flaming Ubergeeks
See The Floppers Undulate
Stop Those Friggin' Uruguayans
Sniff That Funky Underwear
Sadams Taliban Feels Unease
Stupid Teenagers Feel Useless
Sorry The Foreigner Urinated
Save The Freakin' Umpire
Sale To France Uninvitedly
Stop Taking Fran's Underwear
Supremely Theoretical Fundamental Universalist
Stealing Turkeys from Uncle
Suck the fruity ukulele
Sing to friendly Urnist
Saved tons for UNICEF
Still Training For Utopia
Stop Thinking Fully, Umkay?
Scalene Triangles Found Us
Strange Triumphant Food Ulcer
Some Testicles Fall Up
Some Things Fizz Underwater
Smurfs Taste Fantastic Uncooked
Slay That Filthy Unicorn!
Start That Furnace Up
Stop That Fraggin, Umkay?
Signal The Friendly UFO
Stop The Frequent Upgrades
Still Trying For Underachievement
Say, Them's Fancy Underwear
Save Time For Uninstalling
Shutters Theoretically Fluctuate Upwards
Stop Transmitting Further Utterances
Stand To Fart Uncontrollably
Soooo Thankful For Unix
Sub-arctic Tux's Fit Undenyably
Sit There, Feel Unworthy
Stand Tall For Unity
Sappy Trees; Filthy... UGH!
Simply Tantalizing Female Uniqueness
Sarcastic Tales Fortify Untruths
Sorry, That Fart's Ubiquitous
Soapy Trails Fall Under
Semesterly Tests Frighten Undergrads!
Sub-Zero Temperatures Freeze Utters
Shoddy Tents Flap Unintentionally
Slap Those Freakin Users!
Sin(Theta) = Force Up
Sleep To Fully Unwind
Synthetic Trolls Frequently Urinate
Stop The Feeding Urbanites
Start The Feeling Up
Struck Twins Fell, Urgh!
Stupid Teen Frenzied Uptakes
Simple Turtles Fake-out Umpires
Smelly Tarts From Uzbekistan
Should Tom Flee U-boats?
Sashimi: Tuna Fish Uncooked
Shun The Foul Uberskank
Sinew Tastes Fairly Undercooked
Some Techies Feel Underappreciated
Stewed Tomatoes Force Upchucking
Sharks Tore Female's Underbelly
Stop Torturing Fat Ugandans
Slay The Freakin Underwriters
Stop The Frickin Unabomber
So, The Fool Underestimates
Suck The Foot, Ugly
Something Tastes Fishy Underneath
Sometimes Topless Feels Uncomfortable
Stop These Freakin Understatements
Stanley Took Fifty Umbrellas
Screw The Friggin' UPS
Sick Turtles Feign Undressing
Sammy, The Fish Unhappy
Sid The False Umbrella
Stop! They'll Find Us
Shawn, The Friendly Ulcer
Stapled Thumb, Foul Utterance
Sunburned Top, Furry Underside
Send Them Far, Umkay?
Surely, Thou Fears Us!
Stupid Terrorists, FEAR US!!!!
Szechuan Teriyaki Fried Underdog
Sales Team For Undercoating
Salmon Taking Five Underwater
Ski Team From Uganda
Small Tight Fitting Underwear
Scaled The Frosty Urals
Salem Township Fire Unit
Smart Trees Fornicate Unusually
Say, That's Fairly Unusual
Seems They Found Us
Steal The Foreign Uranium
Some Technicians Fully Understand
Stop Tans From Ultraviolet
Smell That Fart, Uberboss?
Strange Things Found Underground
Sour Tofu Feels Untimely
Smart Thinkgeeks Feel United
Stop Taking Female Underwear!
Smart Tourist Find Us
Sometimes Toilets Feel Unhappy
Stalin Treated Friends Unkindly
Stupid Tyrants Fret Us
Simian Trash Fermenting Underwater
Stop Talking, Find Username
Stand Tall for Underdog
Southpark Timmy's Fantasic, Umkay?
Senator, That's Feingold's Underwear!
Say, that's Felix Unger.
Slashdot The Fighting Ubergeeks
Short, Thick-skulled, Fat, & Ugly!
Scott Takes Floggings Unwillingly
Source Takes Full Understanding
Seek The Funky Undertones
Several T1's Failed Us
Surely The Folks Understand?
Silly Thinkgeek Flames Users!
Smash The Frog Unconscious
Sweet Talk Flatters Us
Stick To Fabulous Unix
Smelly Toe Fungus Uncovered
Sensuous Thoughts Filled Us
Shoot The Fubar Users
Still Technically Fully Unemployed
Stay Tuned For Ultimatums!
Smile, They Fear Us.
Save Those Fries, Umkay?